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In architecture GMM we work day by day to make the dream of a young architect possible. After several professional experiences and after finishing his Architecture Studies in 2007 in Barcelona, he decided to create his own path and bring together his own team, in which he included outstanding experts in the field of architecture, engineering and design. This way he would create and cherish a multidisciplinary space, in which the passion for architecture could be developed.

As years have gone by, this young architect has gained a lot of experience, but he still continues to learn new aspects of architecture; he has learned that it is not enough to have ability, and that features like attitude, empathy, effort and perseverance are the key to succeed. Daily satisfaction for a well done job and the satisfaction that we feel when we can make our clients’ dreams come true mean success to us.

In architecture GMM we continue to grow so that we can accomplish our dreams and the dreams of the ones that surround us and visit our family.



In Progress

The GMM family

Guillem Mateos | Equipo GMM

Guillem Mateos
Architect and founding partner of GMM architecture. director of architecture and CEO

carlos | Equipo GMM

Carlos Pachón
Technical Architect, GMM Architecture Partner. Execution Director and construction & head of administration

Georgi | Equipo GMM

Georgi Kolev
Architect | Execution and work area

Ruth | Equipo GMM

Sandra Domínguez,
Architect | Execution and management area

Biel Fuster | Equipo GMM

Biel Fuster
Architect | Structures area

The GMM family

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